(From Funk, Nebraska)
(To Richvale, California)
(Letterhead of Scandinavian Mutual Insurance Company of Kearney, Phelps, Dawson and Harlan Counties)
Friend Charlie:
I am going to write you a few lines tonight, So you will know that I'm still alive. How are you out there. I suppose you have lots of rain now days. I've read in the paper of floods in southern Cal. but they maby dont reach as far north as Richvale, I hope not. Now is when you ought be out here, and skate, we've had dandy ice, but now its been warm weather a few days, so the ice was not hard enough to skate on in the evenings or afternoons, but it seems like it will be colder weather tomorrow. We are done picking corn now. How did it go with your threshing this year, did you get done in time for the rain. How much does it make per acre? The best wheat out here is worth $1.02 now. The Elevator men cant get cars enough so people can haul as much as they want to. We have been shelling some corn but it is too warm weather now, so the corn gets tough and wet. and people cant get rid of the corn because the Elevators are all filled up. We have been working with shoeing horses today so we can haul wheat on the ranch(?) roads. last Wednesday we were on funeral, Alberts little boy was buried, he was around 1 1/2 years old. Tomorrow Edolf Carlsons baby is to be buried. Theres people sick pretty near all over around here this winter. Measels and Lagrippe mostly. Havent had much time to hunt rabbits this winter yet, been out three times. There seems to be more coyotes around here than it used to so I think people could have great sport if they'd put up a (?). Do you have may Geese and ducks out there now. We had quiet a few out here this fall, I didnt have much time to hunt but I shot 13. I'm running out of news now and I might as well quit for this time. Write me a line as soon as you have a chance. Greet the rest from Your Friend
Emil Gustafson